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Gibson Area Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop Extends Hours

February 6, 2017

Gibson Area Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop Extends Hours

The Gibson Area Hospital Auxiliary Gift Shop has recently extended its hours to make it more accessible to employees and the local community. The new hours went into effect February 1, 2017 in order to quickly respond to a survey of hospital employees who indicated a need for later shopping hours. New gift shop manager Molly Augspurger felt it was important to make the change. “The Gift Shop is a great little place to shop and enjoy a break...and we want to make it conveniently available to all our staff and our community…Their support is what keeps us going.” As Augspurger explained, all gift shop profits are used by the Auxiliary to support designated projects or needs within the hospital.

In addition to changing the retail hours, Augspurger also plans to introduce new product lines and merchandise, as well as offer monthly specials to entice shoppers throughout the community. With the energy she has gained from attending recent gift shows, Augspurger is encouraged about the future of the gift shop. She feels fortunate to work with the Auxiliary members, who have also expressed excitement about the direction the gift shop is taking. “With their (the Auxilians’) help, only good things are ahead for our gift shop.”

New GAH Auxiliary Gift Shop hours are as follows:

Monday... 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Tuesday... 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wednesday... 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday... 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday... 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (Friday of GAH pay week, until 5:00 pm)
First Saturday of the month... 9:00 am - Noon

How to Contact Us

To contact Gibson Area Hospital directly call (217) 784-4251. For Security Concerns please call the Security Officer at (217) 784-2370. For general questions or comments about the GAHHS website, fill out the form on the contact page or email .

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 (217) 784-4251