The Gibson Area Hospital Auxiliary is announcing the return of its Bridge Marathon andthe start of a Euchre Marathon! Have fun with friends throughout the year while supporting the mission of the Auxiliary. Please see the details below for information regarding participation and registration. The deadline to register is February 11th, so don’t wait! Sign up for the Gibson Area Hospital bridge and euchre marathons today!
The Bridge Marathon is back for 2018! If you did not participate in 2017 and are interested in participating in the Bridge Marathon starting on March 1, 2018, please contact Larry Dodds at (309) 660-7490 (cell phone & texting), land line (309) 723-5112 or email at [email protected] to register. You may register for Women’s Bridge, Men’s Bridge, or Couples' Bridge and you can sign up for more than one group (i.e., Women’s & Couples' Bridge). The deadline to register is Monday, February 11, 2018. This competition is designed for pairs, but a single will be paired with another single partner in the final scheduling in any of the three categories. The annual registration fee per person participating is $20.00. A couple will play other couples monthly according to a schedule developed after the deadline for participation, keeping track of scores through November/December 2018 to determine the final standings of the participating couples. The schedule will designate the host couple for the month.
GAH Auxiliary will also be initiating a Euchre Marathon for 2018. If you are interested in participating in the Euchre Marathon starting on March 1, 2018, please contact Larry Dodds at (309) 660-7490 (cell phone & texting), land line (309) 723-5112 or email at [email protected] to register. Once people have signed up, it will be determined if there are enough people to divide the participants into Women’s, Men’s, and/or Couples’ Euchre. The deadline to register is Monday, February 11, 2018. This competition is designed for pairs, but a single will be paired with another single partner in the final scheduling. The annual registration fee is $20.00 per person participating. A couple will play other couples monthly according to a schedule developed after the deadline for participation, keeping track of scores through November 2018 to determine the final standings of the participating couples. The schedule will also designate the host couple for each month.